Tuesday, October 14, 2008


So, here's the scary thing; I've started looking at a lot of vegetarian dishes. Not because I want to go fully vegetarian, but because I hate that our diet practically REVOLVES around meat. It's so unhealthy, you know, we hardly get any vegetables in our diet. The typical dinner involves meat of one kind or another, with mashed potatoes and either canned corn or canned green beans----- BORING!!!! I have almost no imagination; I can't even think of anything different. I'm really struggling here, because every thing I see, all I get met with is, "Ew, GROSS!! I don't wanna eat THAT!" from all the kids, and, honestly from myself too. So tonight I tried a new recipe, called Southwestern Spaghetti Squash. All in all, it could have been alot worse, but, me being the perfectionist I am, I would consider it a failure. First of all, it had a thing on there to calculate the ingredients for however many servings you need. So I put in ten servings, one for each of us. Somehow, it SERIOUSLY over-calculated!!! It made so much, I would probably have enough to feed at least twenty people. It took forever, and, although it tasted basically good, I quickly realized that there were several alterations that I would make to make it better, besides scaling it down dramatically. I guess, overall, it was a success because I tried something new, which is way out of my comfort zone, and nobody except the baby threw up, and I think that was only because she had too much food in her mouth at one time. Still, it really irks me that I spent so much money on this food, and I have so much excess that we won't eat. I don't know.... I need some better ideas.... I'm a little bit irritated right now....

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