Monday, October 26, 2009

Ok... Let's get off the rollercoaster!!

Ok, after that extremely depressing post, I'm afraid things did not get any better. Saturday night was absolutely horrible in ways that I am loathe to explain publicly, and Sunday morning was not any more promising. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for my Small Group family!! Sunday night we met as usual, listened to a fantastic sermon on the internet by Paul Washer, and then had prayer. I was able to pour my heart out to all of them, and let me tell you, some real ministry took place for me last night. They rallied around me, encouraged me, prayed for me, prayed over me (which is different than just praying for me), and then just loved on me. Oddly enough, none of them are married, or have any kids. But as I told them all, you don't have to be married or be a parent in order to know God's truths. I would like to encourage anyone who, at any time, may read this: if you have a small group, and you don't routinely feel refreshed and encouraged after you've been in their company, then you need to find a new small group! And if you don't have a small group at all, I strongly encourage you to find one. They should be people you can trust, and people that, when you share a struggle or a trial that you're going through, instantly gather around you and lift you up before God in prayer. Mind you, I'm talking about authoritative prayer, not this pansy-mamsy "Dear God, please bless this person, and help all their troubles go away and all their dreams come true" kind of prayer that too many of today's so-called "Christians" are buying into. I'm talking about the kind of prayer where you can feel that they are doing battle with the powers of darkness for you, using their own shields of faith to protect you, and taking the blows themselves. That's the kind of prayer that I received last night, and I left there feeling a renewed sense of hope and even of joy; I felt infused with a new strength to get back up and keep on keeping on. Dear Void... that is what God created the church for!! If your church doesn't do that for you, then you're in the wrong place!! Your church family should be a comfort to you! Going to church should be a joy, not a drain. And if you ever experience what I experienced last night, when my Small Group family poured out their love to me, you would understand why I'm talking like this! I literally felt that God was expressing HIS love to me through them, and that is one of the most powerful feelings in the world!


EmeraldMosaic said...

On the flip side, this is what each of us needs to be doing for our Christian friends. :)


Jenny said...

Well spoken!