Monday, November 2, 2009

Need Advice

A couple of months ago, I went to see "Julie & Julia" with my friend. In the movie, the title character, Julie, asks her husband what he thinks about her beginning a blog. They discuss it, and finally conceive the idea to blog about trying out all the recipes in Julia Child's cookbook. Since seeing that movie, and remembering that I, too, had a blog, I've been pondering that question that Julie wrestled over: If I'm going to blog, what should I blog about? I believe that I have come up with a viable answer, but I need advice on how best to approach it. As nearly everyone who knows me is aware, I have struggled with my weight since my first pregnancy. I have decided that next July, for my 29th birthday, I want to get a tattoo on my lower back. But I will not get it until I am down to a reasonable size. Nearly a year ago, we began a membership at our local YMCA, and over the course of 6 months, I lost 18 pounds. But then a certain brother of mine decided to get married, and I got busy with helping coordinate the wedding, and I started falling off the wagon, so to speak. Then I began participating in a blood pressure study in August, and the primary medication that I'm taking, Losartan, is causing me to gain weight. I have gained 10 pounds from the second week of August until now. This is, as you can imagine, extremely discouraging for me. However, the blood pressure study will be finished in December, and I will go to my primary physician to discuss the medication issue. I believe that he will discontinue the Losartan and just keep me on the diuretic, since my blood pressure never changed with the Losartan, and only responded once I began taking the diuretic. On top of that, I have decided to join WeightWatchers next week. So, I thought I could blog about my weight loss journey. It would help me in two ways: by giving me something to blog about, and by keeping me accountable. I will most likely begin a new blog, so I'll have two different blogs to keep up with. I hope that doesn't bog down anyone who would read this, though, and that's really the main reason why I want to hear from you. Please comment and let me know what you think about this idea. If I get good feedback, then I'll be starting a new blog next week when I begin WeightWatchers. Until then, I hope to hear from you!


Jessica O. said...

I think a weight loss blog is a great idea. And it's totally ok to start a second blog. This blog is about you and your amazing family and the journey that goes with it.

As for keeping up with them...let me know if you figure out how to do that! I can't keep up with mine!


Jenny said...

Thanks, Jess. I appreciate (and continue to hope for more) comments from anyone and everyone. I "need" to believe that people are reading this so that I'll feel an "obligation" to stick with my weight loss plans and everything. It'll be easier to stick to it if I "know" that I have to be accountable for my actions, as it were. Anyone who leaves a comment helps with that goal, and I appreciate it very much.