This is my online journal, the story of my journey through a sometimes crazy life with one wonderful man and eight wonderful children...
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Joys and Woes of Marriage
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sticks and Stones

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Frustrations of the Mother/Teenager relationship

It always seems that having a confrontation with people creates within me an increased desire to communicate my feelings, views, and opinions thoroughly; I feel a need to explore them, to hash it all out, to decide once and for all if I was indeed justified or if I was mistaken and need to repent. I have this need to communicate at all times, but right now, after a long confrontation with my daughter last night, that need has been magnified.
A blog is a wonderful thing for anyone who has a need to communicate. In the olden days, it was called journaling, now it's called blogging, but the end result is the same: I am putting my thoughts down in written format, which forces me to acknowlege my feelings for what they are. Right or wrong, they are there for me and everyone else to see and know, and this helps me to examine myself, as we are told to do in Scripture. I love it. For some reason that I can't quite define, writing my thoughts out seems to satisfy a need that I carry deep within me. This is the mode of choice for the expression of who I truly am. When faced with something that carries high emotion, whether joy, anger, contentment or frustration, even if I am unable to articulate the spoken word to convey my feelings, it can always come out in a rational and useful way when I write.
I began keeping a "diary" when I was about 10 years old. From there, I matured to the ripe old age of 12 (or maybe 11 and a half) and began calling it a journal, "diary" being too immature a term for me to continue using. After filling about 5 journals in one year, on top of the numerous 10-15 page letters that frequently passed between my best friend and myself, I began looking for a more efficient way to communicate. When I was about 14 or so, we got to keep an old computer in our (the girls’) room. It had Corel Word Perfect on it, and I would wait until everyone else fell asleep, and then spend hours journaling about all the goings-on in my small, yet seemingly complicated life, although I freely admit now that it was only my topsy-turvy emotions which made my life complicated. To this day, I wish that I could go back and find that old computer (whatever became of it, I have no idea) and re-read some of the insane things that I surely must have put on screen.
And now, here I am, seemingly a million years and three lifetimes away from that girl I used to be, with a teenage daughter going through all those things I remember so well but have tried so hard to block out. Why, I ask, does life have to come full circle? My mother always told me it would, but I didn’t believe that it would be this bad. At the time that she was dropping those bits of wisdom in my ear, or rather, shouting them in my face, I didn’t really see anything so terribly wrong about dealing with somebody like me. I rather thought she had it a bit easy; afterall, I respected her, I said ‘Yes, Ma’am’ and ‘No, Ma’am’ when addressing her, I was more or less obedient, I was trying my best to live a Godly life, and I had never even come close to anything that could be remotely construed as a ‘wild party’ or even just ‘a party’, unless my parents were present or it was a family function. So what could be so bad about dealing with me?
Little did I realize the magnitude of the "Curse of Life Coming Full Circle" (CLCFC for short) that she placed on me. Little did I realize what it really meant. Now, however, so many years later, I am beginning to fully understand what it all entails. See, the true evil here is not that my daughter is a ‘bad girl’, just like I wasn’t. The true evil is simply that I have certain views and opinions and ways of “doing life” that I subscribe to, and that I believe very strongly in. The problem occurred when my daughter mistakenly began to think that she was somehow "allowed" or "privy to" her own thoughts, opinions and ways of doing life (crazy, I know!). I’m unsure exactly where she got this idea that she was “allowed” to have her own “life”, or even her own view of life, but wherever the idea came from, she embraced it, and now she and I collide quite a bit. And when we do collide, rather than getting her to see things my way, which I try desperately to do each and every time, all I really accomplish is making myself look like an insensitive jerk. It is beyond frustrating. It is almost beyond endurance. I can hardly believe that I deserved any of this.
I can still hear my mother's voice, haunting the far reaches of my memory: "One day, you're going to have a daughter who is just like you, and when you do, you're going to come whining to me about how hard it is, and I'm just going to laugh . . . afterall, it's only fair." At first, as you can imagine, I was angry about her CLCFC, because I knew she did not mean it in a friendly, loving way. But then I decided not to worry about it, because, as previously stated, what could be so bad about dealing with someone like me? Now, however, I realize the error of my ways, but alas, it is far too late to go back and beg her to lift the CLCFC from me. I can only do what she did with the one her mother passed on to her . . . pass it on to my own daughter, and to be quite honest, that is something that I am beginning to look forward to with a nearly inappropriate amount of glee. After all, like my mother said, it's only fair.
Footnote: Everything contained in this blog is true and correct to best of my knowledge; however, the portions of this writing that pertain to my daughter are more of a satirical view of the mother-teen daughter relationship than a reflection of my truest feelings :) I love my daughter very much, as my mother loves me very much. Only mothers of teen daughters can appreciate this writing to the fullest extent, although, in truth, that is not a state that I would wish upon anyone. :D
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A confession

I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now, if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. So now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?! Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh, I serve the law of sin.
I don't think I've ever found a passage of Scripture that I identified more readily with than this one. How many times have I gotten on my face before the Lord and cried out in sorrow for my pride, and my anger? And how many times has this been followed by self-centered thoughts, and my anger getting out of control when the children have disobeyed or Sal has done something that I didn't like? I know, even as I am doing it, that it is wrong. But it's like there is a separation between my heart and my mind. In my mind, I am perfectly justified to be thinking or saying whatever I am. But in my heart, I am saying over and over, "Stop! Don't! Hush! That's wrong! Don't say that!"
When I think about the way I truly am, it makes me cry. I feel so helpless to combat the sin that dwells within me. I despise it. I detest it. I want to resist it. But I still do it, and alas, the state of my heart is still the same as it was when I got saved, if not worse! I am still proud, arrogant, selfish, impatient, judgmental, and harsh. I don't want to be, though! I want to be gentle, humble, selfless, patient, kind, and loving. I want those things to be my initial reactions, my gut responses. I don't want to have to think about it. I want those things to be my nature. But they aren't my nature. They are just traits that I read about in the Word of God, and that I desire, but that are the exact opposite of what I truly am.
I agree with Paul: What a wretch I am!! For who will rescue me from this death?! But, just as he said, the answer is in Jesus. Jesus took on the cross, with all my anger, impatience, pride, and every other sin, so that I could be free from this sin that dwells within me. I no longer have to be a slave to it; I can be a slave to righteousness instead. I do love God's Word with all of my heart. I love Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. I love Him with every ounce of my being. I so desire for Him to have everything in me. And I agree that His laws are good, and His Word is true, even though, physically speaking, I am condemned by it because of my sin. But therein lies the beauty of it: There is no more condemnation for me now, because of Christ Jesus!
So I will wait, and I will continue to fall on my face before the Lord, and I will still cry out in sorrow and repentance for my sins. And I will eagerly await the day that He will wash it all away from me. I look forward to the day when the chains of sin will be broken off of me forever - the day that I can finally love the Lord as I truly want to: with my actions as well as with my words, with my body as well as with my heart.
I pray that day comes very soon. I invite Him to come and change me; I need Him to come and change me. I can only imagine what my life would look like right now if I did not live as a slave to sin. If I was truly able to give my life, body, soul, spirit, mind, and everything else completely and totally to His service, what could be accomplished for the Kingdom?
One thing I have, though it is bittersweet. In Luke 7:41-43, Jesus tells a story that many of us are familiar with. A creditor had two customers who owed him money. One owed him a small amount, and one owed him a great deal. Neither one could pay the creditor back, so he generously cancelled the debt of both men. Then Jesus asks, "Now which man will love him more?" The Pharisee to whom he was speaking answered, "The one who had the bigger debt cancelled" and Jesus affirmed his answer. So, according to that principle, I will have a capacity of love for Jesus that will probably be unprecedented in the age to come. But, to be honest, it's not much consolation, because it means, by default, that my sins are so numerous that they are unprecedented in the present age. I believe Paul said something to this effect when he said, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief."
Even though I am grieved by the sin that still ensnares me, I have hope. I have hope because I know that the Blood of Jesus is more powerful than anything else. It is much more powerful than the sin which dwells in my flesh. I know that my Jesus is Mighty to save . . . and He can save me, even though it often looks to be hopeless to me. Praise and thanks be to Jesus Christ our Lord, who saves us from our sin and cleanses us from all unrighteousness!!
Friday, September 17, 2010

Your spouse comes home early. You have a vague feeling that something bad has happened, but you try to squelch the warning sirens going off in your mind. You calmly ask why they're home early, and they say the words you were dreading. Like atom bombs going mercilessly off one after the other, they explode in your mind with torturous clarity: I. . . LOST . . . MY . . . JOB! You wait for one painful moment before reacting, praying desperatly that it's all some cruel joke. But then, slowly, deliberately, you raise your eyes to meet those of your spouse, and in the pain, you read the confirmation that you did not want. A torrent of different emotions begin raging in you: fear, for how will you pay your mortgage, buy groceries, support your children without this income? Anger, at whomever is responsible, be it your spouse, their boss, coworkers, "fate", or even God. Hopelessness, for how in today's economy can a stable, profitable job be secured? Betrayal, for how could your spouse allow this to happen when they knew how much the entire family depended on that income? Guilt, for you begin to wonder how you may have contributed to whatever circumstances caused this job loss. Did you give enough support? Did you help them get all the rest they needed so they could be focused and clear-minded? Did you pile up unrealistic expectations in addition to the demands they had to meet at work? Reasonable or not, you struggle with these fears and emotions, while your spouse stands there, enduring your silence, waiting for you to say something, needing your love and support, fearing your anger and disappointment. But in that moment, no words of comfort can you give, and no words of comfort can you receive. You are utterly void, and the only thing you know is insecurity.
In this struggling economic time, I'm sure there are many people who can relate all too well to the scenario I described above. Unfortunately for me, however, this is not just a scenario that I created for the purpose of my blog. It is a reality that I have been faced with very recently. In fact, this is the second time I have been faced with such a reality as this. The first time was 2 months after the September 11th attacks. My husband and I both lost our jobs on the very same day, both of us laid off due to the declining economy.
Now I find myself facing it yet again. Strangely, even after 9 years, the emotions and the fears were exactly the same. The hopelessness that welled up and threatened to overwhelm me was the same hopelessness that I felt all those years ago standing in my bedroom with my whole world crumbling down around me.
But then something dawned on me. Something that I knew, but didn't notice. My reactions were exactly the same as they were the first time! Exactly the same, even though I've been through it before, and I saw firsthand how God provided for us through 6 months of unemployment. That's when I realized, my hurt and fear in 2001 opened a doorway to the Enemy that I have left open all these years. Upon further thought, I realize that everytime I'm faced with a negative change, or anything that may even vaguely threaten my sense of security, I tend to always react with these same emotions, and even these emotions tend to follow the same pattern. First comes the denial, then the fears as I mentally check off all the things that will necessarily be affected by this; then comes anger as I seek to place the blame on whomsoever I can find that seems likely to have played a part in bringing the circumstances about. This is then inevitably followed by guilt as I weigh my own actions, and look for all the ways that I may be the one who deserves the blame. All of these emotions are blanketed by a consuming hopelessness that sucks the life, energy, and ability to reason, completely out of me.
But something has happened that the Enemy was not counting on. I had been given the tools that I needed to combat him many years ago when I became a Christian, but I did not know how to properly use them, although I thought I did. But I have recently learned how to use them effectively. So now, about 10 or 20 minutes into my swirling whirlwind of emotions, I suddenly realized what was happening, and I closed the door to the anxiety, the fear, the anger, the condemnation, and the hopelessness. I have closed the doorway that I had left open all these years. I have retracted the open invitation I had given him to wreak havoc in my life.
And an amazing thing happened when I silenced the Enemy and closed the doorway: I felt peace. A peace in the midst of a job loss at the worst time of year and at a bad time economically. A peace that truly surpasses understanding. I felt the Hand of God over me, assuring me that He was present, and He is my Provider. It is He Who brings us food, and pays our mortgage and clothes my children. Not myself, and not my husband, but my Lord.
If you know me, and you love me, please pray for us, that the Enemy would continue to be powerless to destroy our family, and please join us in thanking God in advance for His provision, for I am very sure that it is coming.
But, Friend, if you have found yourself in the very same boat, please be encouraged that all is not as hopeless as it seems. There is peace to be found, and there is a Hope that will never fail you. If you don't understand, but you would like to, or if you simply need a listening ear from one who has walked this path before, I am here for you.
"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion - to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor."
- Isaiah 61:1-3 (emphasis mine)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Cars, Jobs and Growing Up: Reflections from the Mom of a Teenager

When I first saw this little bundle of love, she was 6 years old. She was a cutie, but a bit spoiled. She was my niece, and I absolutely loved the idea of being an "aunt" to someone. Visions of trips to the ice cream store filled my head. But life got in the way, and when that was combined by the hour's distance that we lived from each other, it's easy to understand that we never really connected as much as I wanted to. Of course there was the occasional visit, but nothing solid enough to let a sturdy relationship develop.
When I next had an opportunity to actually spend some time getting to know her, she had already turned 12. Time, it seemed, had gotten away from me. She was no longer a bundle of joy and wonder and energy; a sadness and a certain fear had darkened her countenance now. I wondered at it. I wanted to ask, but I was afraid. I was afraid that she would not want to open up to me; but I was also afraid of what I would hear if she did. I was afraid of what I would have to do with the information I was given.
One night, I went to her house, and for the first time, I got a sampling of the secret life which this precious one had been living. I was afraid for her and for her brother and sister. I feared for their safety. Completely on the impulse of the moment, I took them home with me that night. Even though we were attempting to fit 7 of us into a vehicle that only had 5 seatbelts, I knew it had to be safer than leaving them where they were. I was told over and over before we left how bad they were, that I wouldn't be able to handle them, and that I would surely be bringing them back at the first opportunity. But I knew better. Unbeknownst to me, that night completely changed the course of my future as well as theirs.
They were with me a total of two weeks. I finally got the courage to ask her, and she opened up to me, and all my fears were realized. I did what I could; I knew it wouldn't be sufficient to effect any lasting change, but at the time, it was all I could do. I felt so helpless, but then I heard from God. He told me that He was giving me the children. I knew it, and was at peace with it. It would be less than four months before He would begin to carry out His plan. From the time those changes began to take place, it would be a very long, very agonizing 22 months before those changes would be made permanent. But time marched on, and finally, she was mine. But instead of having a new bundle of joy and excitement, I received a bundle of wounds and fear and mistrust. She was so beautiful, but so hurt.
At times I felt overwhelmed with the task laid before me. How are you to love someone when they aren't loving you back? It sounds like such a flippant answer to say to someone in that situation, "Well, of course, you know that love is a choice, not a feeling." Let me tell you, Friend: the reality of living that out is so much harder than anyone who has never had to do it can imagine. God had to change a lot of things in me in order to make anything that I said or did effective. It seems like the things I learned first were all the things I shouldn't do. How we made it through the first year with all of our mental faculties intact, I know not, but we did.
And now, only two short years after she was finally given to me, here I am, having to let her go. I wonder if anything that I've done has been worthwhile. I seem only to remember everything I've done that was destructive, rather than instructive. I can't remember any big "Aha!" moments, when I realized that everything I had tried imparting to her finally took root in her mind. But then I remind myself that God did not give me an impossible task. To my way of thinking, taking someone from a lifetime of abuse and attempting to undo the damage done, as well as giving them a crash course in God, Jesus, the Bible, salvation, trust, freedom, joy, service, education, healthy communication, making wise choices, avoiding temptation, driving, shopping, budgeting, and generally managing their own lives, all within two years is a pretty impossible task. But that's not really the task that God gave me. The only task He gave me was to love her, and to lead her to Him. That I have accomplished. All the other things are secondary.
My main task has been accomplished. By that reckoning, she is ready. She's ready for me to let go of her hand so that she can grab hold of Jesus' Hands with both of hers. Does it hurt? A little, yes. Is it hard? Very much so. But I trust that Jesus can do a much better job with her than I ever could, and I believe that she has learned how to listen to Him. So my heart is at peace, and I am now ready to take the plunge into the unknown . . . into having a grown daughter.