Monday, June 16, 2014

Running - Training Day 1 - 6/5/14

Well, I might as well tell everyone: I signed up for my very first ever 5K race. It's the Color Run in San Antonio in September.

Being as "fitness-challenged" as I am, I did the best thing I could think of to train. I downloaded an app called Couch to 5K or "C25K", and I enlisted the motivational talents of my children, one of whom will be running with me in the Color Run. In the C25K program, you run a total of three days each week, and each week, you move up a level. There are a total of 8 levels, so (ideally) by the end of 2 months, you should be able to run a 5k in approximately 30 minutes. Level 1 is as follows:
5 minutes - brisk walk to warm up
60 seconds - run
90 seconds - walk
Repeat the run/walk interval 7 more times (so you will have run a total of 8 times)
5 minutes - walk to cool down

Today, we all went running together for my first training day. All I can say is:
1) I must have been experiencing momentary insanity secondary to work overload when I signed up for this;
2) I don't know why I thought running with my kids would be some really cool, fun bonding time. All it really did was make me feel even older and fatter than I already did;
3) I am seriously determined to improve my cardiac health because it obviously is not up to par.

That is all. I'm going to curl up in a corner and cry now.

In all seriousness, though it seems like an insurmountable task at the present moment, I CAN do this, and I AM going to do this.

Note: I am writing this on June 16th. When I first started running, I simply posted a status update to Facebook. After today's run, I decided to start blogging about my progress. I am entering my Facebook posts from each of my previous runs into a blog post here for continuity.

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