Monday, June 16, 2014

Running - Training Day 5 - 06/13/14

Well, day 5 is complete, and I have to say, today was significantly more difficult than yesterday. I guess I just wasn't feeling it at all. I still recovered faster than I did last week, but I did not finish with that "THIS IS SO AWESOME" feeling that I had yesterday.

I hope tomorrow isn't as bad.

The positive news is that I ran a total of 4 km in 31 minutes. The last time I mapped it, it was only 3 km, so I am improving, and that's what really matters. I have to keep looking at the positive side and not get sidetracked with the disappointments.

Note: I am writing this on June 16th. When I first started running, I simply posted a status update to Facebook. After today's run, I decided to start blogging about my progress. I am entering my Facebook posts from each of my previous runs into a blog post here for continuity.

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